Welcome to editEon: one stop solution for all your publication needs
At editEon, we specialize in helping researchers, scientists and scholars to prepare and publish their work in best journals of the world. To do so, we have crafted our services for every stage of publication process. We have one of the largest in-house and online editorial teams in the world to help you in publishing your manuscript with confidence.
- Expert subject-specific editorial team
- Help you at every step of publication process
- 100% on-time delivery
- 365 days re-editing support
- Highly secured interface
- Assured quality and confidentiality
Writing Services
editEon provides writing services that assure quality, originality, and creativity. We offer writing services for medical practitioners, students, researchers, pharmaceutical companies learn more...
- Medical writing
- Medical rewriting
- Scientific writing
- Custom / Technical writing
Publication Support
Recommending the right journal for your manuscript. Providing detailed comments that you would expect learn more...
- Journal Formatting
- Journal Selection
- Journal submission
- Presubmission Peer Review
- resopnse to reviewer comments
- Publication support package
Customized Services
Our specialized and expert writers/editors compose a variety of model papers including college term papers, research papers, book reports, custom essays, executive summaries, dissertations, PhD theses, and research proposals for college and university students at any level.learn more...
Get published in English language journals. editEon uses subject experts fluent in your language learn more...
Journal Selection
Shortlist 3 to 5 journals best suited to your manuscript and list the pros and cons of submitting to each.
Pre-submission Peer Review
Conduct a peer review of your manuscript, suggest content-related improvements,
Journal Submission
Submit your manuscript to the journal so that you don't have to deal with complex submission processes.

Premium Editing
Edit your manuscript for language, clarity, structure, flow, and style to give you a manuscript that.
Artwork Preparation
Format your artwork according to the journal's requirements.
Response to Reviewer Comment
Monitor the progress of your manuscript and recommend next steps so that you know
Benefits of choosing a publication package
Designed keeping in mind your budget and needs, our packs offer higher value, and greater savings than the individual services do. With each pack, you get:
- You put your time and effort on research; let us handle all your publication needs with a proficient touch.
- Complete communication assistance
- A dedicated publication manager guiding you from selection to submission
- Freedom from complex publication tasks
- You can rely on us with regard to delivering our services to you on time.more ...
Editor Profile
MLS1917 years of Experience25 Articles Published
MLS1205 years of Experience15 Articles Published
HSB7723 years of Experience60 Articles Published
HSB1718 years of Experience170 Articles Published
PS8717 years of Experience70 Articles Published
Published Papers
Journal Name International Political Science ReviewPublisher Name Sage publicationImpact Factor0.759
Journal Name Journal of Tropical PediatricsPublisher Name Oxford University PressImpact Factor0.857
Journal Name International Journal of ToxicologyPublisher Name Sage publicationImpact Factor1.233
Journal Name Journal of Conflict ResolutionPublisher Name Sage publicationImpact Factor1.373
Journal Name Clinical & Experimental OphthalmologyPublisher Name John Wiley & SonsImpact Factor1.964
Journal Name International OrthopaedicsPublisher Name SpringerImpact Factor2.019
Journal Name Seizure - European Journal of EpilepsyPublisher Name ElsevierImpact Factor2.233
Journal Name Applied Surface SciencePublisher Name ElsevierImpact Factor2.538
Journal Name Journal of The Electrochemical SocietyPublisher Name The Electrochemical SocietyImpact Factor2.588
Journal Name OMICS: A Journal of Integrative BiologyPublisher Name Mary Ann LiebertImpact Factor2.73
Journal Name Journal of Biomedical SciencePublisher Name BioMed CentralImpact Factor2.74
Journal Name BMC BioinformaticsPublisher Name BioMed CentralImpact Factor3.02
Journal Name PLoS ONEPublisher Name Public Library of ScienceImpact Factor3.534
Journal Name International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyPublisher Name ElsevierImpact Factor3.548
Journal Name Journal of International Business StudiesPublisher Name Palgrave MacmillanImpact Factor5.183
Journal Name Advanced Synthesis & CatalysisPublisher Name John Wiley & SonsImpact Factor5.542
Journal Name CHESTPublisher Name American College of Chest PhysiciansImpact Factor5.85
Journal Name RadiologyPublisher Name Radiological Society of North AmericaImpact Factor6.214
Journal Name Human Molecular GeneticsPublisher Name Oxford University PressImpact Factor6.677
Journal Name Acta Crystallographica Section DPublisher Name John Wiley & SonsImpact Factor7.232
Journal Name Physical Review LettersPublisher Name American Physical SocietyImpact Factor7.728
Journal Name Genome BiologyPublisher Name BioMed CentralImpact Factor10.5
Journal Name JACSPublisher Name ACS PublicationsImpact Factor10.677
Journal Name The American Journal of Human GeneticsPublisher Name Cell PressImpact Factor12.303
Journal Name Nano LettersPublisher Name ACS PublicationsImpact Factor12.940
Journal Name BMJPublisher Name BMJ Publishing GroupImpact Factor13.660
Journal Name Nature Reviews Clinical OncologyPublisher Name Nature Publishing GroupImpact Factor15.696
Journal Name Annual Review of Marine SciencePublisher Name Annual ReviewsImpact Factor16.381
Journal Name Nature Reviews ImmunologyPublisher Name Nature Publishing GroupImpact Factor33.836
Journal Name The LancetPublisher Name ElsevierImpact Factor39.207